Our Research – Treating Eating Disorders

Mother and Daughter cookingTherapy is expensive and evidence-based treatment is hard to find. Kids who struggle with eating disorders often do not get the treatment that they need. The EMPOWER Lab is working on research to figure out how to bring effective treatments even to kids who can’t usually afford it or don’t have a fancy academic medical center nearby where they can get it. One way that we are trying to increase access is by bringing treatment into the home.

Along with the leaders of this study, Dr. Andrea Goldschmidt from the University of Pittsburgh and Dr. Christina Tortolani from Rhode Island College, we are working to train community providers to deliver an intensive, home-based version of family-based treatment (FBT) for anorexia nervosa. Along with several community partners in Rhode Island and Pittsburgh, we are currently conducting a study to examine the effectiveness of FBT delivered in the home setting.